Sunday, April 28, 2013


I have given lectures, done numerous television and video episodes, written articles and taught for years, but nothing compares with the worldwide influence the web has provided these past few years.  It is truly amazing that I can sit down in my office at work,  turn on my computer, and create something that literally thousands of other like minded people with be able to see in seconds.

A good example of how this works as a specialized communication tool is the emergence of focused speciality interest group sites, like Lumberjocks.  On the one hand, it provides a central discussion and information platform for thousands of woodworkers who can share their experiences and talent.  But at the same time, I wonder how much work is actually being done, as these guys spend their days in front of the computer instead of standing in front of the bench.

My partner, Patrice, is spending a fair amount of time posting online lately.  He cuts some marquetry, then posts.  He designs some more marquetry, then posts.  He does some French polish, then posts.  I can't complain, as the publicity is great for business, and it is important for others to see the kind of work we do here.

Recently, he posted a wonderful series of photos which explains in detail how we made the Treasure Box.  His post in Lumberjocks is much more clear than the post I made here on this blog.  You should check it out and can find the link here.Patrice Lejeune Treasure Box

Also on Lumberjocks is a new club, started by Paul Miller, who lives in Vancouver and is a big supporter of marquetry.  He had the idea of having a "chevalet club" where others can share their photos or questions about this unique tool.  What a great way to spread the news.

You can see this thread here. Chevalet Club

I remember the first time I saw a real chevalet and realized how cool that tool was.  That was nearly 40 years ago and it was virtually unknown to woodworkers in North America, except for a couple of workshops where Italian, German or French workers operated in secrecy.

Well, the secret is out!

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