Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Old Brown Glue on YouTube

Me and my OBG
I have been making, using and selling Old Brown Glue for nearly 20 years now, and I have had a lot of feedback from other woodworkers who are also using it for their creations.  From time to time I get emails with questions about its working properties.   I am happy to respond to these questions with information that helps them to understand how protein glues work.

Some time back we created a web page, which includes a FAQ page with some of these questions.  The web page is kind of "retro" and was made with a bit of humor, as we here at work find glue to be a funny topic.

We spend our time trying out slogans, like:

"Sticks to you like Old Brown Glue."
"I put OBG on my wedding list."
"Even my dog likes it!"
"My wife caught me calling Patrick again."
"OBG...more than a wood glue.  Its a spirit.  A way of life.  Hide glue Republic!"
"To keep your OBG longer refrigerate it a bit like ketchup, only tastes better."

For the past few months, Kristen has been pushing me to make some videos to post on YouTube to demonstrate the glue and answer questions.  I have always found a way to avoid this project, since it is much easier for me to just do something else at the bench.  Yesterday she pushed me particularly hard to get off my ass and do something about it.  I gave in.

Patrice has been waiting for this.  He is a frustrated French film maker, and always reminds me that movie pictures were invented in France.  He has made a holder for his iPhone and we set up a simple demonstration.  We wanted a VIDEO which was informative and not over produced.  We succeeded.  I think you will agree after you see it that it is not a "professional" product.

"OBG is serious stuff.  We're not."

We will continue to make short videos soon to answer some of the questions about OBG.  Keep watching, and let me know what you think.

I'm sure Spielberg started out this way?

PS:  Here's Will Ferrell to explain the true origins of protein glues:
 Colonel Belmont's Old Fashioned Horse Glue


  1. Who was that narrator... JEAN GABIN oerchance?

  2. I liked the video - love OBG though so might be a bit biased.

    I think my favourite part is the rows of wooden planes in the background, though. Haven't noticed them in any of your photos before because all the marquetry must have been in the way. :)


  3. Unfortunately, the dialogue was not by Michel Audiard.

    We tried to get Jean Gabin, but he is no longer available.

  4. OBG-Kenobi, you've shown us the ways of the Force. I have severed ties with the Dark Side (yellow glues) and have joined the rebellion!

  5. No longer stuck in your ways, you are! Welcome to the rebellion, you are! The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Much to learn you still have my old padawan.
    Glue or glue not, there is no try.

    Always in motion, the future is.

