Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I Miss Posting On My Blog

I didn't understand the lasting effect it would have on me to actually "retire" from some long term activity, like I talked about in the last post.  That was in March, when I quit all my activities in historic commercial revitalization and non profit management boards to focus full time on my business.

Now, 3 months have passed and, although I have been very busy working on exciting projects, I have not had the urge to post anything on my blog.  I realized today that it is time to get back to work on keeping the blog up to date, as I appreciate the interest it has for other woodworkers.  Most of all, I look forward to the comments and feedback I receive when a post something.  It is rewarding to know that I can share my abilities with others in such an easy and practical system.

I have just completed an article for the Society of American Furniture Makers' Journal, which will be published at the end of this year.  As the SAPFM Cartouche Award winner, I get the pleasure to see my work on the cover of the Journal, as well as contribute something inside.  I wrote articles for each of the first three volumes of the Journal, when it started, and am pleased to see it has become one of the most impressive publications on American Furniture today.  Even if you can't make the SAPFM meetings in Williamsburg, getting the Journal in the mail justifies the membership dues completely.

I guess that now that I have the Cartouche, I am on the "A" list of woodworkers.  I will be speaking at the Woodworking in America conference in Winston-Salem in September.  I see my photo placed next to Frank, Roy, Phil, Peter and others who I deeply admire and respect, and find a real satisfaction that I have been accepted into that group.  These are the intellectual philosophers and technicians in our world that have chosen woodworking as a craft life.  In my mind, they are national treasures.

My talk will address the chevalet de marquetry and historic French marquetry processes.  I speak on Friday and Saturday.  Also, I will have a booth at the Marketplace for the American School of French Marquetry and be selling Old Brown Glue, if you need it.  There will be a show special price.  I hope to see you there.

Here is the link for the WIA Show:Woodworking in America Show

Last month Asa, past editor of Fine Woodworking magazine, arrived in San Diego to judge the Design in Wood show.  He took some time to visit me at work and put together a photo tour which will be posted online in a few days.  Also, we sat down for a one hour audio interview, which went really well.  Asa is a smart guy and a good friend.  While he was here, he picked up one of the guitars that Patrice had veneered with marquetry, plugged into the amp and rocked out some serious licks.

If you want to listen to the audio podcast, here are the links.  There are two segments, each 30 minutes long.  You will find them at the last half of each of the podcasts.  The podcast starts with the editors discussing different topics and ends with the interview.  I found it amusing that the first podcast begins with a talk about dumpster diving and junk finds.  When Asa asks me how I started, I talk about living next to the city dump when I was young, and bringing home all the things I found at the dump to repair.

On this link, my part starts at 34 minutes:  Fine Woodworking Podcast Interview Part I

On this link, my part starts at 45 minutes:  Fine Woodworking Podcast Interview Part II

I will let you know as soon as the video shop tour is working.

It's good to be back.  I will post again very soon.  It makes me happy.


  1. Absence noted with disappointment and query. I understand how a major sea change can move your interest patterns to another place. Everyone needs a rest from continual activity.

    Happy to hear you are back!


  2. Glad to have you back here and I really enjoyed the podcasts.

  3. Glad to see you back posting.

    I do hope that the heading typo was not intentional - it means something completely different in this part of the world.

    All best from Wales

  4. Wow, where is auto correct when you need it? Thank you for the typo alert and I have fixed it. Now it says "Blog" instead of "Bog."

    Ironically, last night I watch an hour of PBS' "NOVA" series about digging up 2000 old people from the bogs of Scotland. I kind of feel like one of those guys, waiting to be dug up and put into a museum.

    Maybe it was just a Freudian slip?

  5. It happens to us all....

    I didn't expect you to publish the comment.. just fix the typo!

    There have been some incredible finds in these intense preservatives.

    I was fascinated by 'The Bog People' by P V Glob about a perfect body excavated in Denmark.


    All best from Wales

  6. I can not tell you how much your blog has influenced my woodworking(and I'm sure countless others). To me, places like this are invaluable so thank you for keeping it up!

