Sunday, January 3, 2016

Life In The Past Lane

I first discovered Google Blogspot 5 years ago, while visiting other blogs that interested me.  I grew up with the early years of television and first thought it would be a great instrument for mass education.  That theory has been proven false.  It's not even a good instrument for news and facts.

On the other hand, with the widespread use of the computer and the birth of the world web, my belief that this could be the instrument for education transmission is restored.  Of course, the web is full of junk and false information, since it reflects the bulk of the world's population, which is also full of crazy people.  For good or bad, there is no real filter (yet) on the internet.

That said, when I first decided to create a blog my goal was not to promote myself but to put down in posts what I thought was valuable information.  I thought that some of my experience would be important for others to use, and in some way, push forward the craft that I love so much.

This is one reason I have not clicked on the "monetize your site" button and included advertisement on my site.  I don't like the web sites that include advertisements and I don't want to promote that concept.  Using the system to make money is exactly why television failed.  This is what gave us "lard ass" reality shows.

One great feature of blogspot is that it provides stats and analysis for me to use.  It is exciting and rewarding to realize that I have had over 300,000 page hits on 240 posts.  It is also surprising that, in addition to readers in the US, I have had significant numbers of readers in other countries.  I descending order: Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Ukraine and Poland.  Wow!  I have followers in Poland!

This site has averaged 6,000 page views per month for several years.  I guess that, in the grand scheme of things on the internet, this is not a historic number.  However, it makes me feel wanted and encourages me to continue posting as the urge presents itself.

The one feature which I cannot find on blogspot is some kind of index of the posts.  As a traditional book reader, I have always found using the index in the back of the book useful.  It allows me to look up exactly the word or term I am looking for and go to that page.  Of course this site has a "search" button, but, without knowing what the past posts contain exactly it is not easy to find what you are looking for.

Now that it has been 5 years I thought I would take some time and create my own user index.  I have compiled the most popular posts, starting in July, 2010 and up to this year.  Here is a list for you to use, if you are interested.  Each post has the date, title and number of views.  If you find what you want, then use the "search" button to read that post.  I am not going to take the time to link each post. You can do some of the work yourself.  After all, it is my blog and I can do what I want with it.


7/10/10 (First post) I Love Marquetry (240 views)
7/26/10 Sawn Veneer vrs Sliced Veneer (1709)
9/7/10 Hand Tool Workshop (945)
9/28/10 When Is A Veneer Hammer Not A Veneer Hammer? (1543)
9/29/10 Marquetry For All Ages (2787)
9/30/10 ASFM Graduate Student Work (1361)
10/06/10 Working Large Marquetry Pictures (950)
10/10/10 The Assembly Board (1611)
10/17/10 Patrick George Sawing Veneer Video (1326)
11/15/10 La Multiplication Des Chevalets De Marqueterie (946)
11/18/10 What Is A Chevalet Kit? (821)


4/27/11 Toothing Planes And Glue Pots (705)
5/2/11 More Toothing Plane Info (1060)
5/28/11 Veneer Tools: Saw (1722)
5/29/11 Veneer Tools: Hammer (1735)
8/28/11 Restoring Boulle (3611)
10/8/11 Typical Upholstery Project (1907)


1/7/12 Why Use Reversible Glue? (1550)
2/21/12 American School of French Marquetry (1031)
10/18/12 Chevalet Anatomy Lesson (1343)
11/4/12 Typical Marquetry Restoration (2051)
11/18/12 Tambour Glue (3065)


1/4/13  Why Cuban Mahogany? (3511)
2/25/13 Are Institute of Chicago Project (3512)
2/27/13 The History of The Chevalet De Marqueterie (3409)
3/19/13 Simple Things: Glue Blocks (1569)
3/30/13 Simple Things: Dovetails (1279)
4/15/13 LeCount Project (1133)
5/5/13 Paris 11th Arrondissement (1168)
6/3/13 Is It Real? (938)
7/20/13 LeCount Clock Door (1012)
8/9/13 Assembly Board Videos (1332)
8/12/13 Chicago Kitchen Job (1261)
10/1/13 We've Got Nails! (1254)
10/2/13 LeCount Ready For Adoption (1002)
10/23/13 Roubo Redux (1229)
11/23/13 The Future Of American Trades (1008)
11/25/13 The Future Of American Trades (991)
12/14/13 Got Antiques? (1881)
12/21/13 Got Ivory? Got Tortoise Shell? Got Cuban Mahogany? Dalbergia Negra? (1343)
12/27/13 Why Not Period Glue? (982)
12/31/13 Respect The Screw (943)


Although I posted continuously during the year, none of the posts reached the 1000 view level.


The drought continues, as I focus on my work and not the blog.  Not to say that nothing was posted that was important, just that only two posts reached earlier levels:

7/28/15 Chevalet In A Box Delivered! (1606)
9/12/15 WPE at WIA Soon (1214)

The most rewarding feedback I get from doing this blog is reading the comments.  I have always responded to the comments and this information provides me with inspiration for future posts.  I hope this effort to provide a short index of the most viewed topics will create some feedback.

I want to post information which is interesting and informative.  Let me know what you want.


  1. The web is so much a fashion statement.
    For those of us who are interested in real things and real doing (not just reading about woodwork ) blogs like yours are invaluable.

    YOur blog is at least 4g strength, maybe 5G.

    thanks from a lurker.

  2. HI Patrick, thank you for the index. It will be helpful!

    Your blog is very interesting. I've learned quite a bit about your work and techniques from reading it and I've also enjoyed your thoughts and reflections on various subjects. Your comments on CITES have been especially interesting. I imagine it takes a lot of work to put together these well written posts.

    The work you and Patrice have been doing is jaw dropping and humbling.

    BTW... I'm a big fan of Old Brown Glue... Great stuff!

    John Kissel

  3. What - no post in the last 2 years has had 1000+ views? Has the world finally taken leave of its senses??

  4. Hi Patrick!
    I'm reading all articles on your site as soon as I see a announce or link on the

    Serge, Ukraine.

  5. Dear Mr Patrick Edwards.

    Thanks for your "Blog Posts"
    I found it very valuable and full of great teachings.

    I'm in my forty’s, live in Portugal, a small country next to Spain and started (2/3 years ago) to "e-learn" woodworking through blogs and web sites like Yours - true makers.
    It took me a while to see the difference from the "net gurus" :)

    After your blog I started to do some research about animal proteins glues in here. I found its very inexpensive. The problem is what is what.
    The "gram strength" aren't used here. So I turned to the names I read here and other English spoken blogs and tried to work it out equivalences to Spanish and French it was even worst. (I believe 250gram straight is colle forté)

    If I may, I'll like to make a suggestion, because your background with Ecole Boulle: Can you make a post about those equivalences in animal protein glue or any recommendation on a European glue maker.

    Thanks for your time
    Happy new Year

    PS. 1 OBG botle+shipping+customs+23%VAT on top of it= more then 50€

  6. I sincerely appreciate all your comments. I have a renewed enthusiasm to post more information.

    I am grateful to the blog "unplugged" as I note the majority of my views are linked to that site. He is providing all woodworkers a great service.

    I really don't know what happened in the last two years. I have had continuous readership levels but I was surprised to see that only two posts went above the 1000 mark. I guess I will have to dye my hair green, get tattoos and piercings and grow a beard? I warn you, however, the beard will be gray.

    I have had many questions about distributing Old Brown Glue in Europe and England. First of all there are several countries who have restrictions on animal products, in particular from cows. OBG is made by Milligan and Higgins from cow hides and they only use material which has been tested and clean. I asked them why they don't import to Europe and they said the paperwork made it difficult for them.

    I still hope to find a person or business in Europe to distribute the product. That is the only way to make it affordable. Sending a single bottle is way too expensive, as you rightly point out.

    I will take your suggestion and do some research on what is sold there. I will post information on this as soon as I can put it together.

    In the mean time I suggest using protein glues which are available, since they are still superior to synthetic glues in all cases of woodworking. They just take some experience to get used to.

    Thank you all for taking the time and have a great new year!

  7. Hi Patrick,

    I read every one of your blog posts, and enjoy them all. Your work is amazing and I love reading about it and watching the video's that are posted. When I am feeling reluctant to get into my shop I look at the treasure box series pictures... that always makes me smile and inspires me to get back to what I love to do.

    I also switched to OBG a while ago and now its all I use at home and its what I recommend to anyone who will listen to me.

    If I may also say.. being able to meet you and spend some time talking to you and your wife was the highlight of my trip to NC in Sept 2014.

    Thank you for the time you spend writing your blog, I will defiantly chime in more often.

    Jeremy Pringle (Calgary, Canada)

  8. I found your website from a post on the Pinterest. Thank you for your website, the wonderful advice and thoughtful step-by-step guide, and the info on correct form of restoration.
    It has been very difficult to find a master in furniture restoration and marquetry who want to share their knowledge, let alone in the internet. I am recently getting interested correctly identifying furniture and in how to correctly fixing older furniture. This blog has been very helpful to me. Thank you again for spending time to share your knowledge.

  9. About what I'd love to read more:
    - I'd like to see more restoration and conservation of antique furniture. I don't think I will be able to reach your mastery of 40+yr, but learning the process at least would give me knowledge to appreciate antique furniture and have base to do correct mini restoration for old, non-antiques stuff.

    - I'd also appreciate knowledge about antiques from the standpoint of how they are made (crude eg. old chinese is made with tenon/joint, in US until year xxxx is made with yy but later change to zz). There is some articles like that on the net, but since most of them is either layman or article collector, not by someone who seen the inside of furniture and actually restores them.

